What to Do If Your Jet Ski Flips- Jet Ski Safety

 jet ski safety adventure excursions

What to Do If Your Jet Ski Flips- Jet Ski Safety


At beautiful Lake Mead in Las Vegas, we’re committed to offering a safe, exciting, and unforgettable experience for all of our clients. That’s why we make sure to equip our jet skis with safety features such as emergency breaks, a tether that anchors the person driving the jet ski to the body of the vehicle, life jackets with whistles you can signal with, and more.

We also make it against the rules to misbehave, act irresponsible, or allow minors to operate the vehicle. We connect potential clients to local watercraft education classes in the Las Vegas area if they would feel more comfortable learning about safety from professionals.

With all that being said, it’s still possible for accidents to happen. We don’t want to scare you – most jet skis are quite easy to operate, and you shouldn’t run into any surprises while cruising out on Lake Mead.

Unfortunately, most incidents involving people capsizing, or flipping over, their jet skis stem from inexperience, recklessness, or distraction: that’s why it’s critical that everyone is behaving properly so that the driver can focus on having fun in a safe, controlled environment.

The first thing you should know, therefore, is how to prevent a capsize. The easiest way to flip a jet ski is to take a turn too fast. The waters on Lake Mead are smooth and safe, and even on our windiest days, there are no whitewater rapids you’ll be soaring through. Pretty much the only way you’ll flip a jet ski is if you’re speeding forward and suddenly take a sharp, out-of-control turn. T

hat’s why it’s important to cruise at a consistent speed. Accelerating is fun, and getting air time by jumping over waves and wakes is the best part: but it’s important that you start slow and don’t take anything on too fast!

jet skie rentals

So let’s assume the worst: you got a little too cocky one day and yanked the jet ski to the left much too quickly without braking. The jet ski topples and flips, sending you slipping into the water. The first step is not to panic. Make sure that you and any other passengers are not hurt. Drowning is not usually the main concern so much as head trauma, so make sure everybody is together and safe. Then you can turn your attention to the jet ski to try and minimize any damage to its engine.

Most models of jet skis contain a sticker on the bottom with instructions on how to flip it back onto the right side. If you don’t follow these directions carefully, it’s possible that water could be making its way into the inner mechanisms of the jet ski’s engine, making it impossible to restart. If the engine is still running at the time of the capsize, be sure to turn it off as soon as you can.

Keeping the engine running can increase the chances of water being sucked in through the air intake tubings. Most jet ski models need to be flipped over upright counterclockwise, but it can vary according to the individual model. The best thing to do is to make sure that the exhaust is the last part of the vehicle to come into contact with the surface of the water again.

Once the jet ski is back on the right side, go ahead and try to start it. If it starts, take it immediately to the shore and grab a Lake Mead employee so we can assess the situation. However, if you’re riding on a private body of water, you won’t have that opportunity.

If the jet ski is able to start up, you should still get to shore as soon as possible. However, if it doesn’t start, getting back to shore can be a hassle. Make sure you have somebody to contact on the shore waiting for you!


Once your busted jet ski is back on shore, there are a few things to do. First, you should remove the plugs from the bottom. Ground the wires to avoid setting any escaped gas fumes on fire, which is obviously incredibly dangerous. Clean and dry off the plugs before adding just a small amount of fuel into the cylinder holes. Once the fuel is in, you can reinsert the plugs.

Crank up the engine and see what happens. If it continues to stall, remove the plugs and dry them out again. Once it starts up again, let it run for about a minute before taking it back to the water.

Once there, let the jet ski run for a few minutes before getting on it yourself and taking it for another spin. However, once the engine starts again, you’ll find that jet skis are remarkably robust machines. Unless the vehicle was submerged in water for an extended period of time, everything should be fine. Just remember to be more careful next time!



The post What to Do If Your Jet Ski Flips- Jet Ski Safety appeared first on Adventure Excursions.

source https://www.lasvegasjetskiandboatrentals.com/jet-ski-saftey/


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